Friday, May 22, 2015

Gettin' Healthy!

So I am back at my highest weight again. Stress, a desk job, poor eating habits and little-to-no exercise has taken its toll. I am turning the big 3-0 in about 4 months and I want to be healthier when I get there. I am tired of being uncomfortable, grumpy, and fatigued all the time.

Recently, through a program at work, I did Weight Watchers. And, I know it works for a lot of people, but it just simply did not work for me.  I tried it for about 5-6 months and I probably lost 5ish pounds and just felt like I was being punished all of the time. I can't explain it. I like the accountability of the weigh-in, but the points system itself wasn't effective for me. I sort of gave it up because I just was not seeing positive results and went into a sort of binge-eating depression. Not something I'm terribly proud of, but I've been developing some pretty terrible eating habits in the process. Latte in the morning, perhaps a chocolate croissant, cheeseburger or a burrito for lunch and pizza or some, equally awful processed food for dinner. Throw in some diet sodas and periodic snacks of candy bars or chips and it was a ticking time bomb for disaster. I know what my issue is. Sugar. It always has been and I am sure it is something I will probably always struggle with. I'm coming to terms with that.

On Saturday, I got sucked into an infomercial (I know, I know…) and, after doing some research, I took a plunge and ordered the 21 Day Fix program from BeachBody and am very excited!

I don’t like the name of the program; I’m not looking for a ‘quick fix’, but I really like the premise of the whole thing. Portion control, forcing myself to eat fruits/veggies, eating clean, short(ish) 30 minute workouts, and prepping/planning meals. And, I can do anything for 21 days. Even if I take a week ‘off’ between rounds, I am very optimistic this will be a good fit for me. Over the years, I have fluctuated a lot. I have tried a lot of programs and I know what works for me: lower carbs, more fresh foods, and planning, planning, planning. I think this will give me all of those great things.

Mini Goals:
* First 21-day round: lose 10 lbs. (I know that seems like a lot, but I know it will mostly be water weight.) By mid-June
* Second round: lose 6 lbs. By mid-July
* Lose a total of 40 lbs by my birthday
* Lose a total of 65 lbs by the end of the year

* Lose a grand total of 75 lbs
* Wear a size 8
* Lose 10″ off my hips and waist
* Have healthy, glowing skin :)
* Have energy
* Walk/jog a mile in under 12 minutes
* Embrace a healthy diet: Eat clean and healthy 90% of the time, treats 10% of the time (right now, it’s probably the other way around…)

I have done a lot of damage to my body, I am sure, and I have a long way to go. I would like to keep this blog going as a way to hold my self accountable, share ideas, and hopefully one day inspire other people that if I can get healthy, they can too. 

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