Sunday, May 24, 2015

Days 1 & 2

So far, so good! Yesterday went pretty well. I made my meal/snack plan the night before and stuck with it for the most part. I was short 2 veggies and 1 protein serving. It got to be late and I just wasn't hungry. I will try to get all of my veggies in today and skip on something else if I need to (maybe fruit) today.

I have been eating every 2-3 hours and it feels so weird. If I can lose weight on this diet and eat easily 4x the volume of food I was before, that is amazing. I have to admit, when I first got those containers, they looked so small. I was afraid I was going to be hungry all of the time. But when you are having 6 cups of veggies per day, it really fills you up. I'm having a hard time getting all of the water in too. I drank a little over 50 oz yesterday, but I need to drink at least a gallon (124 oz).

I did my workout early this morning and got it out of the way as well. Yesterday was the Full Body Cardio workout and it was brutal. I could probably only do about half of the workouts for the full set. I have a really hard time with pushups and crunches. Today was the Upper Body Workout and it was a bit easier - except for the pushups and planks. Those were rough. I feel pretty good. My legs are a bit achy and my abs are pretty sore. But 30 minutes is much more realistic for me than some of the P90X videos at 70+ minutes, or an hour and a half of a walking DVD.

This afternoon, I am working on building a good recipe collection and making some sample meal plans. I don't want to get burned out on salads and chicken breasts.

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