Monday, May 25, 2015

Cooking for the week!

Getting ready for the week.

I made a giant batch of crockpot chicken that is cooking as I type. I have some lemon slices, paprika, garlic, and some Italian seasoning in there. I am hoping it will get me at least 5-6 servings of protein. I got a great deal when I went to Fred Meyer the other day- 4lbs for $6.99. I need to go back and stock up on some more.

Salad dressing! I have never made my own dressing before, it was incredibly easy! Some oil, vinegar, and seasonings. I put some spicy mustard in this one for a bit of a kick. 

I cleaned, chopped and measured a bunch of handy snack bags. I got grapes, apples, carrots and celery. 

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