Friday, June 19, 2015

Round 1 Results

Ok, so I am like a week late on this. Work has been a bit crazy and I haven't had a lot of time in the evenings lately to hop online.

but... drum roll please....

Weight: -6.8 lbs
pants size: down about 1 size
neck: -3/4 in
chest: -1/2 in
waist: - 1 1/4 in
hips: - 2 in
r thigh: - 1/4 in
l thigh: same
r arm: - 3/4 in
l arm: same

So, I didn't quite hit my goal of down 10 lbs, but I am still pretty darn happy with the results. For 3 weeks, I am actually really impressed with the number of inches lose. I can't believe I lost 2 full inches off of my hips. It was also kind of surprising I lost 3/4 of an inch off my neck, perhaps it's a measuring inaccuracy, but I kind of doubt it.

This next round, I am going to make it a mini goal to not weigh or measure myself for the full 21 days. I think I am becoming a bit obsessive about it and it will be a good test of will power and a (hopefully) fun surprise at the end. I am also going to ramp up the upper body training a bit too, move up from the 3lb set of weights to the 5lb set. Here's to round 2! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. I personally have been battling with my weight all my life, even as a teenager I was always a little on the chubby side. But as an adult things changed for worse as I gained even more pounds particularly after my first pregnancy. However lately I have lost nearly 35 lbs, after a friend of mine shared a weight-loss newsletter from a diet coach with me, therefore with the intention to give back here is a link to the free newsletter for all women:
