Thursday, June 4, 2015

(Lucky) Day 13!

... and going strong. I feel like it is still going well. I have had a couple of 'treats'. We ate out at a breakfast place for a work meeting and I splurged on eggs, hash browns, and a few bites from sausage and gravy. I just counted it as my blue container, all of my carbs, and a protein. Then I ate a couple of apples and carrot sticks throughout the rest of the day with a large salad for dinner. I hope I don't retain a bunch of water from all of the salt. Maybe I will just skip the scale tomorrow and let it level out a little bit. :)

I have also been going on walks with a girl from the office. We have gone at least 3 times this week and it has been nice. We are probably taking much longer than a 15 minute break, but it all evens out in the end. I have been getting a lot of steps in- around 10,000 - which is rare for me.

I have also been drinking some apple cider vinegar 'tea' with a dab of honey and lemon. It's actually really good. It tastes a bit like a kombucha tea. It's a little tart, zing-y and leaves an oddly clean taste afterwards. There are supposed to be a bunch of great health benefits from it, but I honestly just like it.

You should check it out too- this is the one I like.

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